Do you know what’s in your toothpaste, face cream, laundry detergent, and cookware? Everyday products around your home can add to your toxic burden, limiting your energy and vitality.
Your body may be overwhelmed by hundreds of toxins you ingest, breathe, and absorb each day. Protect yourself and your loved ones and reduce your exposure - from room to room, head to toe.
Our Toxbuster specialist works with you to identify and eliminate common chemicals found throughout your home. Together we develop a plan of action based on your needs, priorities and budget.
In-home (or virtual) visit with room-to-room tour
Inventory of existing products and furnishings
Recommendations for non-toxic alternatives in detailed plan of action
Highly Recommend!
“A voice in my head always wondered what's really in the products I use to clean my appliances, floors, clothes and even my face. Are these safe?
Enter unTOXit. Room by room, product by product, I learned ways to lift the toxic burden these products were creating in my life. It forever changed the way I see my personal and home choices. I was guided to set goals and a timeline for action that felt appropriate to my priorities and budget. Eye- opening!”